
"Databases on Google Cloud" - Structured, Semi Structured and more! A Summer Series that focuses on...

1) Fundamentals and guidelines for Database modeling

2) Experimenting CRUD and implementing full stack applications end to end with Google Cloud databases and services (Cloud SQL, Spanner, Firestore, Big Query, MongoDB, Prometheus, Cloud Run, Cloud Functions)

3) Other hosted and managed database services, monitoring and insights with Google Cloud 

Databases on Google Cloud Part 1: Database Modeling Basics

Databases on Google Cloud Part 2: Options at a glance

Databases on Google Cloud Part 3: CRUD with Cloud Spanner

Databases on Google Cloud Part 4: Firestore APIs and more

Databases on Google Cloud Part 5: Cloud SQL (SQL Server) on Cloud Functions

Databases on Google Cloud Part 6: No-Code Machine Learning with BigQuery ML

MongoDB Atlas, Cloud Run, Terraform and more!

Cloud SQL, Cloud Run, Cloud Monitoring, Query Insights and more

Adoption, Engagement and Aha Moment!